Wednesday 1 October 2014

Mise en Scene Recap

Pirates of the Caribbean Theme: 
- High key lighting
- Pirate ship is in low key lighting
- Ship suggests voyage or war
- Binary opposition of light and dark
- Faces look concerned ~ something sinister
- Blue and green: natural colours, quite a tropical setting
- Blue ~ connotations of calm and cool
- Props ~ all adding to the sea theme

Sound: What kind of emotions does the music evoke?
- Excitement
- Intriguing  ~ what is going to happen next
- Dramatic music
- Makes you feel tense ~ harsh tone, fast pace
- Genre of the text: adventure
- In the scene ~ sword fight is a fast pace sequence

Non Diegetic Sound: 
- Sound whose source is visible on a screen/within a text
~ Voices of characters
~ Sounds made by the objects in the story

When commenting on the effect of sound, consider:
- Soundtracks
- Theme tunes
- The use of particular instruments
- Sound effects
- Ambient sound
- Dialogue/voice over
- Mode of address/direct address

Comment on the effect of sound and camera angles:
- Calm non diegetic sound
- Relaxing hight pitched sound
- Movement of the water ~ diegetic, can see the mermaids and the water
- Non diegetic sound of the violins
- Tone/loudening of the pitch symbolises something bad is going to happen
- Men are vulnerable, the mermaids are powerful
- Binary opposition about men, women and their status

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