When analysing the data received, over half (63.16%) of participants within my survey were female; making the female opinion dominant within the survey as a whole. However, seeing as the range of participants is quite small, this shouldn't massively affect the overall outcome of the survey (only 5 more females than males). This statistic was of great use to my group as we are now aware that the data we received was not solely opinions belonging to one gender, but that of both.
The second question on the survey is in relation to age; "how old are you?"
The participants were then asked what they're favourite genre(s) of film were.
This was beneficial as it gave the group an insight into the popularity of thrillers when in comparison to various other genres; when relating this back to the film industry we decided that having a knowledge of other popular genres within the evolution of film can help film makers identify their competition and possibly use editing and other features of media to create a hybrid/sub-genre to captivate both audiences and increase their own ratings/profit. The results showed that a comedy film was most popular amongst the participants therefore allowing my group to predict that elements of humour within our final piece would result in a positive response as this is what the majority of the participants find entertaining and enjoyable within film.
This was beneficial as it gave the group an insight into the popularity of thrillers when in comparison to various other genres; when relating this back to the film industry we decided that having a knowledge of other popular genres within the evolution of film can help film makers identify their competition and possibly use editing and other features of media to create a hybrid/sub-genre to captivate both audiences and increase their own ratings/profit. The results showed that a comedy film was most popular amongst the participants therefore allowing my group to predict that elements of humour within our final piece would result in a positive response as this is what the majority of the participants find entertaining and enjoyable within film.
"In a Thriller, what do you consider to be of importance?"
When creating our own opening of a thriller film my group and I need to consider which generic conventions are of higher importance than others; by asking this question we can gather a range of different expectations which are recognised and appreciated within thrillers therefore helping us to decide/choose what to include within our own. For example, my group and I were unsure as to whether or not including a plot twist was a necessity within film; however 72.22% of participants agreed that plot twist were of high importance within a thriller. Unpredictability was also rated to be of some importance; these results will be considered when my group and I create our own narrative.
However, the results to this question do not provide my group with the information we need to take into consideration within the opening of our own thriller as we are unaware as to why some films have much higher participant viewings than others; we must take into consideration that 'Before I Go To Sleep' has lower viewings simply because of the recent release date. My group and I decided that we could add in a question such as "How many of these thrillers have you heard about/recognise?" or "How many of these recently released thrillers would you be interested in going to see?" We could then analyse how advertising affects/contributes to the overall viewings of a film within the participants.
As you can see, the participants value the impression given within trailer as this contributes to their selection of film as well as recommendations and the actors/actresses featured within the film itself.
When creating our own opening of a thriller film my group and I need to consider which generic conventions are of higher importance than others; by asking this question we can gather a range of different expectations which are recognised and appreciated within thrillers therefore helping us to decide/choose what to include within our own. For example, my group and I were unsure as to whether or not including a plot twist was a necessity within film; however 72.22% of participants agreed that plot twist were of high importance within a thriller. Unpredictability was also rated to be of some importance; these results will be considered when my group and I create our own narrative.
When asked about what thriller films the participants have watched, my group and I selected 13 different thrillers which were deemed as popular on IMDb but all presented different thriller conventions. After analysing the results it appears that the films with the most advertisement/publicity were viewed by the most participants; for example, 17/19 participants (89.47%) had claimed to have seen 'Taken' which is a well known thriller (also familiar to those who have not watched it) compared to 'Before I Go To Sleep' which has recently been released but has not had the same quality of advertising as 'Taken'.
However, the results to this question do not provide my group with the information we need to take into consideration within the opening of our own thriller as we are unaware as to why some films have much higher participant viewings than others; we must take into consideration that 'Before I Go To Sleep' has lower viewings simply because of the recent release date. My group and I decided that we could add in a question such as "How many of these thrillers have you heard about/recognise?" or "How many of these recently released thrillers would you be interested in going to see?" We could then analyse how advertising affects/contributes to the overall viewings of a film within the participants.
When asked what type of thriller was their favourite, the participants responded positively in selecting the sub-genre of thriller they found most enjoyable. This massively helped my group in our understanding of hybrid genres and the effect the classification of film can have on the viewers response/reaction.
The results go on to show that action thrillers are the most popular (26.32%) with crime and psychological thrillers in close second with a percentage of 21.05 each. My group and I decided that we would incorporate elements of both action, crime, and some sort of psychological plot twist within our opening clip to captivate all three different audiences and live up to the expectations of three different categories of possible/potential viewers.
By asking the participants what contributes to their individual/personal watching of a film my group and I can collaborate this into our coursework and our research into the thriller genre to form an understanding of how film makers obtain their audiences and how advertisement affects the number of viewers and therefore the ratings and overall success of the film. In previous questions it was made clear upon analysing the results that some thriller films are obviously more popular than others; this question leads on from this in helping the group decipher what elements of film advertisement are more recognisable to the selected audience.
(Lily Sutherland)
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