- Do NOT cross the line of the 180 degree rule
- Diegetic and non diegetic sound
- Shot reverse shot
- Match on action
- Variety of shots
Previously this week, as a group we learnt and realised the importance of storyboarding and how to do it correctly. Having to sketch up a storyboard for our continuity task will prepare us for when we have to draw up a storyboard for our final coursework piece. Having the knowledge before hand means that we will not struggle with creating a storyboard for our coursework after we have finished this task.
As a group we created a very basic storyline because we did not want to work with something too complicated as this is all new to us. Our narrative consisted of a parent a child walking to see the child's teacher for parents consultation/evening. Having said that it was a basic storyline, as a group we all struggled with the idea the 180 degree rule and even having a basic narrative did not make this task any easier. However there were several positive outcomes of having to do the continuity task such as learning more about how the camera works and how to use them when filming - this particularly helped me because at the beginning of this course I was very clueless about how the cameras worked. I didn't edit the continuity task but I watched both Matt Bainbridge and Matt Hersey edit it together so I got a bit more clued up with Premier Pro and how to use it. When it comes to editing our final coursework piece, I would have to know how Premier Pro works because I would need to edit footage if need be. Having to complete this task in a short amount of time made us as a group realise how stressful it can be to get simple footage and how much pressure it set when you have a restricted amount of time. All of these factors we will take on board as a group to improve on and apply to our final coursework project.

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