Monday, 26 January 2015

Evaluation on Continuity Task

What have I learnt from the Continuity Task?

Overall, the continuity task had developed my understanding of the production of film making. It broadened my knowledge of how much preparation needs to be done before actually starting the filming process. The importance of storyboarding was highlighted to me most during the process because without having a storyboard that obtains in depth detail about what it is we were going to be filming, we would have no idea about where to even start. It definitely pointed out to me how important vital it is to have a good and well planned out storyboard. As a group we thought thoroughly about our shot last and we worked hard on our timing for each clip. This was one of the most successful parts of the continuity task because it means that we can take we have learnt about creating a shot list and apply our knowledge and understanding to when we create a shot list for our final product. 

 I personally should have familiarised myself more with the 180 Degree Rule because when it came to filming it, I wasn't actually too sure what it is we were filming until we were almost near the end of our filming process. As a group we then realised that we forgot to include a shot reverse shot which is a vital part of our understanding of the 180 Degree Rule. I think as a group we should have familiarised ourselves with the continuity task a little bit more as having to film a shot reverse shot after we thought we had already finished filming meant that our coursework process came to a pause which was a disadvantage for us all.  

The filming process went well in our group on the first day we started filming as we discussed in depth about our location(s). A downfall to our filming was that we did not manage to get all the filming done in one day which meant that we had to film the rest of our shots another day which delayed the entire process. However, each time we did film it ran smoothly and we filmed extra shots using different angles so we could watch them together and decide what looked best. A challenge that we faced was that our locations were not always clear of other people which made the filming process a little longer than need be. In the future, I need to evaluate the locations in more depth and also think about the sounds around the location as we did not want unnecessary sounds in the background. Matt Bainbridge edited the clips whilst Lily and I were moving our coursework project forward. As  group we spoke to Matt about the editing and he said that it all ran smoothly. In the future, I would like to spend more time practising how to edit clips as this would benefit me during the rest of this course. I will be frequently using software to edit the final product and I would like to familiarise myself before having to edit the final product before hand. 

1 comment:

  1. Level 2: 26: Where is the final (and original) continuity task? It should have been uploaded a while ago Megan. Address this immediately.

    There is a lot of confusion with regards to what you have produced, and perhaps you can explain on Monday? The task was to demonstrate the 180 degree rule, and there is no evidence of this here. Whilst I have marked you as a level 2, for the actual task, this is a fail. You have to ensure you meet the criteria I gave you. I expect this to be done by the end of the week.
    You show your ability to execute match on action, although be cautious of using a pan to follow the character's movement in certain shots. It is not needed. With this in mind the whole minute is simply of 2 people walking and so there just is no actual variety in camera use, and thus in sound and vision editing. Good use of non-diegetic sound, although how it matches the action is not clear, and further use of dialogue would add to the verisimilitude. Perhaps a sound bridge at the start would make the transition from the rain ( exterior) to the interior location more smooth and effective. At the end when the charcters enter the room, you must not move the camera in a pan or tracking shot anticipating the movement from left to right. Be aware of this in your final prject. A lot to be done here. A little worrying. I want a full evaluation not only of what has been done here, but also of my mark and feedback and the final task completed with the 180 degree rule evident and executed.

    Mr F
